Risultati di ricerca: delia edoardo a

296 risultati trovati - pagina 1 di 30

    • Elisa Cadorin    Irina Kukushkina   

      Kak Dela? Corso di lingua russa

      Per la preparazione all'esame di certificazione (livello base)

      Il volume si propone come moderno manuale per gli studenti che iniziano lo studio della lingua russa contemporanea. Può essere utilizzato anche da chi si avvicina alla lingua in modo individuale come autodidatta.

      Il testo è redatto in conformità alle indicazioni ministeriali per sostenere l’esame del livello base secondo i nuovi programmi di certificazione della lingua russa, che promuovono uno studio linguistico più adeguato alle esigenze comunicative contemporanee.

      Il corso presenta un’ampia varietà di esercizi, letture registrate e un glossario per lo sviluppo equilibrato delle quattro abilità linguistiche (comprendere, parlare, scrivere, leggere). Un’utile appendice raccoglie tabelle grammaticali, chiavi degli esercizi, note di fonetica e intonazione.

      Il 3 CD-Audio allegati contengono la registrazione delle letture per l’attività di ascolto ed esercizi di fonetica.

    • Charles Dickens   

      A Christmas Carol

      Level A1/A2

      One of the most famous novels by Dickens, it has enjoyed great popularity since its publication and is considered the greatest English Christmas story.

      It’s Christmas Eve in London. Ebezener Scrooge, an old, greedy and cold-hearted man, is working in his counting house. Fred, his nephew, comes into the office and invites his uncle to spend Christmas with him and his family. But Scrooge refuses. He will spend Christmas Eve like any other evening, alone. But that night something happens: three spirits, one after another, come and visit Mr Scrooge. They show him his past, his present and his future, and what they reveal will change Mr Scrooge’s life forever.

    • Jennifer Milton   

      A Special Friend

      Level A1

      At a prestigious institute for rich Londoners, the life of fourteen-year-old Lucas suddenly changes when he meets Olise, the new student from Nigeria... Lucas and Olise quickly become great friends while working on a Geography project together, but one day, after a running race at school, Olise disappears.

      What has happened to Lucas’ friend? Why did he leave so suddenly?

      Read the intriguing story of Lucas and Olise and find out what secrets the boy from Nigeria hides.

      Written in very simple language (level A1), the story is comprehensible for students with a basic knowledge of English. The book includes a selection of grammar and vocabulary exercises, dossiers about London and an Audio-CD with the complete recording of the text.

    • Mario Francisco Benvenuto   

      Viaje a Madrid

      Historia de un estudiante enamorado - Nivel A2

      Alexander viaja a Madrid para encontrarse con su novia Carlota. Al principio las cosas no salen según lo previsto, pero el protagonista sabrá disfrutar de su estancia en una magnifica ciudad europea entre estudio, entretenimientos y sorpresas.

      Además de las bellezas madrileñas, y de sus encantadoras tradiciones artísticas y gastronómicas, conocerá a un grupo de chicos fantásticos que lo acompañarán hasta el final de su aventura ibérica.

      El texto incluye una gran variedad de actividades para favorecer el desarrollo de las cuatro habilidades y un dossier para explorar y ampliar los aspectos culturales relacionados a la historia. La grabación de los audios completa la propuesta didáctica de la obra.

    • Gloria Leoni    Zsófia Zelnik   

      A Friend from Ukraine and other Stories

      Level A2/B1

      This is a contemporary and true story. Vladislav is a young refugee from Ukraine. He has to leave his country, after the Russian invasion, in 2022. Luckily, he joins a welcoming group of High School students, Daisy’s class, and makes new friends. Jennie, Daisy’s aunt, tells her daughter and her nieces the story of Zhenya. He is young man from Belarus and when he was a boy, he was hosted by Jennie, after the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. Now, Jennie and her family are going to volunteer once again, aided by a very supportive community. The text includes a variety of activities for the 4 skills and 4 dossiers to learn English and Civics together (Religions and Cultures, COVID-19 and health care, Ukraine’s past and present, Consequences of Climate Change).

      The volume gives access to the full recording of all the stories and many of the activities online.