• Opera

    • The Great Gatsby
      • Descrizione
      • Risorse e audio
      • Risorse docenti
    • Francis Scott Fitzgerald     

      The Great Gatsby

      Level C1

      • Descrizione
      • Risorse e audio
      • Risorse docenti


      The Great Gatsby, written by the American author F. Scott Fitzgerald, set in the fictional town of West Egg on prosperous Long Island in 1922, is about the young and mysterious millionaire Jay Gatsby and his passion for the beautiful Daisy Buchanan. Gatsby knew Daisy from a romantic encounter in 1917 when he was not yet wealthy, and he is still deeply in love with her. When they meet again he is rich and impresses her with his extravagant lifestyle and wild parties. They begin an affair and, after a short time, Daisy’s husband, even though he is himself involved in an extramarital affair, becomes outraged by his wife’s infidelity. He confronts Gatsby and announces to his wife that Gatsby is a criminal whose fortune comes from bootlegging alcohol. This will lead to a tragic conclusion. The story explores themes of decadence, idealism, social upheaval, and excess, and creates a portrait of the Roaring Twenties. The volume includes a full biographical introduction about Fitzgerald, accurate footnotes; nine sections with comprehension, vocabulary and grammar activities; CAE-style tests for C1 level; some selectedhapters included in the audio; a final section of drama activities.

      Risorse docenti

  • Formati libro

    • Brossura
      Dimensioni: 13 x 19
      Pagine: VI-218
      ISBN: 9788820361396
      Prezzo: € 8,90